A Children's book that brings awareness to the dangers of litter
Harry the Snakebird
Harry the Snakebird
A Children's book that brings awareness to the dangers of litter
Wendy Carbo
illustrated by Paula Merritt Windham

With its towering oaks, cypress, and magnolia trees, Capitol Lake is known for its beauty and wildlife. Over time, the lake became littered with bottles, cans and old tires. No one knew where the trash came from. No one knew it could be dangerous, until it was.
Join Brian and Marie as they attempt to save the life of a bird on the lake. Follow them on their quest to discover where the dangerous litter is coming from. Inspired by an actual event, Harry the Snakebird tells how Brian and Marie's adventure motivates a community to restore a lake and save the bird's habitat.

Keep Louisiana Beautiful has 11 lessons
for children to better understand how to care for the environment. For children's lessons, go to https://keeplouisianabeautiful.org/programs-events/environmental-education/
and see Lesson 5: Keeping our Waters Clean
and Lesson 6: Trash Effects of Wildlife.

The Louisiana Stormwater Coalition is an all volunteer, grassroots effort to increase awareness about the benefits of stormwater management and how stormwater management programs will help solve Louisiana's flooding and litter problems. For years, our focus has been litter on the streets, but now it's time to focus on litter and flood causing sediments filling up and harming our watersheds that are vital to our Sportsman's Paradise. A two-pronged approach to managing stormwater is the solution to Louisiana's flooding and litter problems.

Wendy Carbo was born and raised in northeast Louisiana. She graduated from Louisiana State University in elementary education with a minor in English and library science. She has devoted her life to working with young children and has taught school for more than fifteen years. Wendy developed a passion for nature while camping in the pine forests of Caldwell parish as a young girl. She lives in Baton Rouge, Louisiana with her husband Jeff, a landscape architect; their son William; and their three dachshunds.

Paula Merritt Windham was born and raised in Louisiana. She has been married for fifty years to her high school sweetheart and is the mother of three wonderful sons, 3 daughter-in-laws and 4 grandchildren. Paula has been a self-employed artist and graphic designer for thirty-five years. She is an avid nature and animal lover, and enjoys the outdoors, her grandchildren and her horses.